Massaažipüstol PowerCare Mini S5
- Tavahind
- €59,00
- Tavahind
- Soodushind
- €59,00
- Tükihind
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Tipptasemel disainiga, kompaktne ja käepärane. Mugav kasutada ja vaikne.
Viis standard kiirust ja neli erinevat otsikut võimaldavad leida igale olukorrale just see sobiv massaaž. Kvaliteetne aku ning näidik mis annab infot aku olekust reaalajas. Otsikute valik:
- Ümmargune pall: pehmem massaaž suurematele aladele, käed, sääred selg
- Koonus: sihitud intensiivmassaaž valitud aladele, peopesad, liigesed, jalad
- Kahvelotsik: kaela, selgroo piirkonna, Achilleuse kõõluse intensiiv-töötluseks
- Lapik otsik: intensiivseks tööks enamuse lihasgruppide ja kehaosadega
- 5 Kiirust
- 3h Aku, 10 min. korraga/ 3h battery Life, auto-stop after 10 minutes of use
- Ülivaikne (Sound Level: Ultra Silent)
This massage pistol is a champion in targeted intensive massage of all muscles, whether you are in the gym after a hard workout or have spent the weekend walking in the woods. Thanks to her compact dimensions you can have it anywhere with you – at work, in the gym and on vacation. Save time and money for expensive sports massages and arrange a small massage salon with you on the couch. Massage pistol effectively reduces muscle pain and stiffness after demanding physical activity, at the same time stimulates blood circulation and increases the range of motion. Let the muscles regenerate and enjoy the massage exactly as it suits you. Auto-stops after 10 minutes. Guide:
Round head: gentle massage of larger areas, such as hands, calves, back, hips
Conical head: targeted massage of specific places, such as palms, joints or feet
Fork head: intensive massage of neck, area of spine and Achilles tendons
Flat head: universal intensive massage for most muscle groups and body parts